February/March 2011

37 dragonfly

I captured these two photos of dragonflies during my recent walks down the Jurong Railway Line in Singapore.

There’s something most beautiful about dragonflies as they flutter about, occasionally landing on a plant for a short rest, before beginning their flight again.

During a short twittter conversation with @HHI_FandB (Ann Marie Adams) recently, I learnt that, in her words, “dragonflies live a small portion of entire life in flight, thus their joy in the moment short lived (is) enjoyed to the fullest extent.”

Struck by what she said, I decided to read up a little more about dragonflies and learnt that while these creatures have a lifespan of a few years, most of these years are in fact spent in the nymph stage; The time they spend as an adult, in flight, is often a mere couple of months.

How then, in @HHI_FandB‘s words again, dragonflies not the best “symbolic reminder to live in the moment”?


Every photograph we take contains a story, but we often do not spend enough time sharing that story with others. Hence, Foto Friday was born to give some recognition to these forgotten photographs and the memories they hold. Taken over many trips (2004-present) using my crappy cameras and whatever minimal photography skills I have, these photographs serve to give you a little insight into my travels. And if you haven’t realised by now, they’ll be out on Fridays.

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