wan·der Verb   /ˈwändər/
i. To move about without a definite destination or purpose

ii. To go by an indirect route or at no set pace

fol·ly Noun   /ˈfälē/

i. Lack of good sense; foolishness


wanderfolly is a collection of true life stories and happenings of a wanderer.  When one is on the road, one oftens wanders and gets lost. Many a time during one’s travels, one also makes foolish decisions. And wanderfolly is about capturing all of these moments and the lessons gained through mistakes made.

In short, wanderfolly is about travel experiences – the good, the bad, and the downright ugly.


About the wanderer

daph·ne Noun  /deafknee/

Hailing from the equatorial city-state of Singapore, Daphne Chui (who really prefers to go by simply, Daph), has always believed that one should get out of one’s comfort zones and see the world. While she believes that her homeland, despite its tiny size, has much to offer, she also maintains that one needs to get out of this little red dot to truly live life.

Daph’s foray into the world of extensive travel began in May 2010. On 9th May 2010, armed with her new biometric passport and a 60L backpack full of dreams (amongst some clothes), she flew approximately 3500km to Kathmandu to start what has been the biggest trip in her life so far.

Weeks later, she returned home, ready to jump onto the next plane out of the country. The trip had left her with a passport that looked like it had gone through the war, a camera that didn’t work properly, and a very empty wallet. She may have come home poorer (in money) but she was richer in a kind of worldly experience no travel guidebook would ever be able to prepare her for.

While the days out of the country may seem like a very short time compared to many others on the road, this short period changed the way Daph viewed travel. Travel, to her, isn’t simply about the destination, but about getting lost and finding one’s self through mistakes made. (Hence, the creation of the term wanderfolly, which doesn’t quite make sense until you break it down.) The aforementioned trip would also mark the beginnings of future long term travels to come for, what she hopes will be, the rest of her life.

Today, Daph is constantly dreaming of the next big trip. And she hopes that these dreams will be realised soon enough.


“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.

Explore. Dream. Discover.”

– Mark Twain

A Singapore travel blog