Barcelona, Spain (España)
May 2008
It’s a week before I leave for Spain. So I thought it’d be the most opportune moment for me to talk about my first ever trip to Spain some three years ago, when I visited Barcelona.
Stepping out of the metro station in Barcelona, I was greeted by this huge building towering over us – none other than the late ever-so-talented Antoni Gaudí’s Sagrada Família. It was such a magnificant sight to behold as I could have never imagined the immensity of this gorgeous church until I stood in front of, completed awwed by the sheer size of it.
Of course, I, like probably everyone else who has visited the minor basilica before, was also blown away by the intrinsic design of the building facade and interior, as well as the thought process that went behind the creation of this building. For instance, I loved how Gaudí incorporated elements of nature into the church – for the uninitiated, Gaudí is known for this throughout his works.
However, I was most wowed by the fact that I was standing there, staring at building that has been in the process of being built for the past 100+ years. How often, in today’s day and age, can we actually say that we have lived in the time when a building took anything more than a couple of years to complete?
Hence, in this edition of Foto Friday, I decided to pay tribute to the artists and workers that, despite many trials and tribulations that Sagrada Família seem to be plagued with, continue to fulfil Gaudí’s vision.
While I will not be stopping by Barcelona during this upcoming trip to Spain, I will be sure to go back to Barcelona to revisit the Sagrada Família when it is completed in 2026 (expected), exactly 100 years after its original architect’s death.
Every photograph we take contains a story, but we often do not spend enough time sharing that story with others. Hence, Foto Friday was born to give some recognition to these forgotten photographs and the memories they hold. Taken over many trips (2004-present) using my crappy cameras and whatever minimal photography skills I have, these photographs serve to give you a little insight into my travels. And if you haven’t realised by now, they’ll be out on Fridays.