Waterfront City, Batam, Indonesia
August 2011
There’s a sort of charm in the old and decaying, the abandoned and decrepit.
I came across this huge neglected building stripped to its metal skeleton near the hotel I stayed in during a recent visit to Batam, Indonesia. I’m not sure what this building used to be, but my guess is that it was an old factory in its glory days, now disused and left to decay.
Every photograph we take contains a story, but we often do not spend enough time sharing that story with others. Hence, Foto Friday was born to give some recognition to these forgotten photographs and the memories they hold. Taken over many trips (2004-present) using my crappy cameras and whatever minimal photography skills I have, these photographs serve to give you a little insight into my travels. And if you haven’t realised by now, they’ll be out on Fridays.